Environmental Studies


Environmental Studies

GEOPROJET uses various techniques from earth sciences to address the increasingly complex problems that arise in the implementation of any project.

Impact studies on the environment related to the establishment of industrial, agro-food, or urban projects in a territory require a perfect understanding of the natural environment, its components, and the direct or indirect effects that may arise upon the completion of these projects. It is important to particularly highlight:

Industrial units must be equipped with material means to monitor the atmosphere, analyze gases, and measure the particle size of dust, as well as have an emergency plan.

Analysis of the environmental impacts of operations.

GEOPROJET is involved in this context by carrying out specific studies through geophysical surveys aimed at understanding the surface of the hydrogeological basin of the quarry or sandpit and the structural context (fault network) in order to anticipate the environmental effects resulting directly from the planned mode of operation and the sensitivity of the environment.

The opening of an operation inevitably leads to modifications of the initial state, whose lasting or temporary effects are felt on: